Hannah’s Home

What is Hannah’s Home?

Hannah’s Home is a transformative twelve-month biblical-based Christian residential program designed to support mothers who are grappling with addiction or other life-controlling issues. What makes this program unique is its specialized focus on mothers either expecting a child or who have infants up to four years old. Recognizing the challenges many mothers face in seeking help while caring for their children, Hannah’s Home provides a safe, loving, and structured environment where both mother and child can recover together, eliminating the need for separation during this critical period.

The program is built on a foundation of structure and aims to guide mothers and their children towards a healthier, more stable future. The structured environment includes personalized life goals for both mother and child, fostering a sense of purpose and direction.

The comprehensive curriculum covers a range of essential life skills, including overcoming addiction, managing everyday life demands, understanding nutrition’s significance, acquiring financial budgeting skills, and developing practical parenting skills. Hannah’s Home is more than just a recovery facility; it’s where mothers can learn and implement the tools necessary for sustained success and stability. 

Hannah’s Home is a beacon of hope, offering a holistic approach to recovery that recognizes the unique needs of mothers and their children, providing the support and resources needed for a successful and drug-free life.

Donate to Hannah’s Home Today

We’re Grateful For These Women

Regenesis is Honored to have this opportunity to work hand in hand with these amazing women! The Founder and Executive Director of Beauty for Ashes in Fredericksburg came down to share their knowledge, experience, wisdom, and vision for our very own Hannah’s home Beauty for Ashes is the only other residential biblical-based Women with Children home in the tri-cities area! We get to partner with them in launching Hannah’s home this year! We are so excited to sit with them, under them and beside them as we move in this vision God had given us! Kingdom work is the best work! Thank you Cindy and Jessica.

Hannah’s Home Construction Photos